Fifth Grade

Grades 3-5 Literacy at Home

Fall River's English Language Arts (ELA) Department is excited to partner with families to provide support for our elementary readers. To support this work, the ELA Department developed a “Literacy at Home” website for Fall River families. The activities on this site were created to specifically target the literacy skills that your student must learn in order to become masterful readers.
Oral language is incredibly important to becoming a great reader. Students with strong oral language skills have a stronger vocabulary and become stronger readers. The best ways to give your student a strong foundation for learning to read are to read to, talk to, and listen to your student every day. Talk about people you know, places you go, and experiences you have together.
Each month, we will select several great stories that you can listen to and talk about with your student.  Before your student starts to listen to the story, let your student know which question you will be talking about after the story is over --"Today when you finish listening to the story that you choose, we are going to talk about how the characters change and grow throughout the story."
Below, you will find a few questions that you can ask your child to help them communicate what they are understanding about the story. 
  • What is the main idea or plot of the story?
  • What is the problem or conflict in the story and how is it resolved?
  • How did the story make you feel? What was your favorite or most memorable part of the story?
  • How do the characters change or grow throughout the story?
  • Which character did you relate to the most? 


Catching the Moon: The Story of a Young Girl’s Baseball Dream

Martin's Big Words: The Life of Martin Luther King Jr.

The Oldest Student: How Mary Walker Learned to Read

The Story of Ruby Bridges