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DESE Report Card

Silvia Staff Directory and Websites

Meet the Principal

Silvia Elementary School’s Core Beliefs are: 

  • We believe all students are entitled to a respectful, caring, and safe learning environment where they are encouraged to take risks in order to grow academically, emotionally and socially. 

  • We believe that recognizing and honoring diversity strengthens our ability to teach the whole child and build a sense of community. 

  • We believe all students will develop the coping skills necessary to build self reliance, perseverance, and self awareness in order to become intrinsically motivated independent thinkers in a collaborative environment. 

  • We believe mastery learning is best achieved when students have opportunities to apply skills in authentic situations. 


Bus Tag Information

If your child qualifies for bussing, please fill out this Google Form from The Office of Transportation. All students who qualify for bussing MUST be added to the bus list prior to the start of the school year. Students will receive a bus tag that must be attached to their backpacks in order to ride. Bus Tags will be delivered to school and attached to students backpacks.

This form is ONLY for students who live in Silvia District and qualify for neighborhood bussing. Families with students in pre-k and special education do not need to fill out this form.
Silvia School Hours (K-5)
 Preschool Hours
AM Session Hours 8:30am-11:00am
PM Session Hours 11:00am-1:45pm
Full Day Session 8:30am-1:45pm
(Preschool drop-off and pick-up located at the preschool doors - on the left hand side of the building. Parents park your car in the front lot and walk your child to the preschool door.)


Important Info:


Our school nurse is in need of NEW socks and underwear to give to students. Please consider making a donation. 

District Handbook for Students in Grades PreK-12

Kindergarten Screening Dates

Mr.Lenz' s Welcome Back Letter

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