45 Rock Street, Fall River, MA 02720
Early Learning Center at Bishop Connolly
Welcome to the new school year at the Early Learning Center located at Bishop Connolly, 373 Elsbree St.!
We are excited to move into our new space and working hard to get everything ready for our young learners.
School Hours
AM Session 8:35 am -11:05 am
PM Session 11:05 am -1:50 pm
Please bring:
A change of clothes for your child - remember to include socks as well.
A snack (am) and lunch (pm) if you think they will not eat school lunch.
Diapers and wipes if your child is not yet potty trained.
Where We Are Located
The Early Learning Center at Bishop Connolly is located at the former Bishop Connolly High School.
373 Elsbree Street
Fall River, MA 02720
Main Office Phone Number: 508-675-8224
School Principal
Elizabeth McKinnon - emckinnon@fallriverschools.org
Early Childhood Director
Kristen Farias - - kfarias@fallriverschools.org
Meet the Principal
CommUNITY Calendar
45 Rock Street, Fall River, MA 02720