Student Handbook
- Introduction to Resiliency Preparatory Academy
- Code of Conduct
- Progressive Discipline
- No School Announcements
- Attendance
- Student Work
- Security Protocols
- Network/Internet Acceptable Use Policy
- FRPS District Policies
Introduction to Resiliency Preparatory Academy
Code of Conduct
In addition to the items outlined in the Fall River Public Schools District Handbook, Resiliency Preparatory Academy has adopted the following:
RPA Philosophy of Discipline:
RPA strives to maintain an atmosphere in which all members of the community are treated with respect. All students are expected to behave appropriately and responsibly. School personnel are committed to ensure compliance with the Fall River Public Schools’ Code of Conduct. Please consult the Code of Conduct handbook for further detail.
Progressive Discipline:
Understanding discipline as a "teachable moment" is fundamental to a positive approach to discipline. Progressive discipline uses incremental interventions to address inappropriate behavior with the ultimate goal of teaching prosocial behavior. Progressive discipline does not seek punishment. Instead, progressive discipline seeks concurrent accountability and behavioral change.
The goal is prevention of a recurrence of negative behavior by helping students learn from their mistakes. Essential to the implementation of progressive discipline is helping students who have engaged in unacceptable behavior to:
Understand why the behavior is unacceptable and the harm it has caused
Understand what they could have done differently in the same situation
Take responsibility for their actions
Be given the opportunity to learn prosocial strategies and skills to use in the future
Understand the progression of more stringent consequences if the behavior reoccurs
In cases of vandalism, the FRPS reserves the right to seek restitution for damages to facility, equipment (to include school technology being utilized by students), or materials perpetrated by students of parents/guardians.
Progressive Discipline
The following rules and regulations are established to provide for the safety and the rights of each individual:
Students are expected to follow direction from all RPA staff. Any student who fails to respond promptly to a reasonable request of a staff member may receive an office detention, a Saturday School detention, or an out-of-school suspension. Failure to leave the classroom immediately and/or failure to go directly to the office may result in an out-of-school suspension.
Students who fail to accept these responsibilities will be subject to a progression of disciplinary actions which may include:
Teacher Retention - Maximum 10 minutes after school assigned by teacher
Lunch Detention
Office Detention
In-school suspension
Out of school suspension
Saturday School
Community Service
Long term suspension
Teacher Retention:
Teachers may assign students to remain after school for up to ten (10) minutes on any given school day as a consequence for inappropriate behavior within their classroom. Teachers will contact parents to inform them that the Retention has been assigned and whether it has been served. Students who miss two (2) assigned teacher retentions will be assigned an Office Detention. In the event that a student is being held for retention, an administrator will contact the parent/guardian to inform them that the student will be retained and the referring staff will follow up with the parent-guardian later in the day to inform the parent of the reason for the retention.
Office Detention:
Detentions are held from 3:35 pm- 4:00 pm (25 minutes). If a student refuses to stay for detention, parents must come in for a meeting and to pick up their student’s cell phone. If a student is asked to serve their detention on any day, the student is expected to stay that day. A school administrator will contact parents to inform them when their student has been assigned an Office Detention and whether it has been served. If a parent cannot be reached, a letter will be sent home with the student for parent signature and the student will serve detention within 24 hours. Students MUST report to the staff member who assigned the detention unless otherwise directed. It is expected that students will use this time to complete work or read silently. Disruptive students will be asked to leave immediately, and additional consequences will be assigned the next day. At no time is it acceptable for the student to sleep. Student’s cell phones will be kept in the security area until they serve their after-school detention(s). Phones will be returned to the student after the detention has been completed. Students who miss two (2) assigned Office Detentions will be assigned a Saturday School.
Skipped Detention:
Detentions supersede school activities and other responsibilities. If a student skips an assigned detention, the student will be subjected to more serious consequences. These consequences may include additional detentions, assignment to in-school suspension, out-of-school suspensions or Saturday school.
Saturday School Detention:
Students will report to Saturday School (held from 8:30am - 11:30am) if they have missed an Office Detention. Students who arrive late (15 minutes past the start of Detention) will not be admitted. A student may also receive a Saturday School Detention if they have committed two (2) or more conduct infractions during the school day (following the Guided Discipline Rules & Regulations of the Fall River Public Schools).
If a student fails to attend a Saturday School Detention, an out-of-school suspension will be assigned for the following Monday morning. Parents will be notified immediately that their son/daughter is not in attendance at Saturday School Detention and of the assigned suspension. Students and their parents will be required to attend a re-entry meeting on the following Tuesday after the skipped Saturday School Detention.
In-school Suspension/Learning Center:
Students assigned to the Learning Center (LC) are expected to complete assignments, read, or sit quietly. An administrator will determine the length of time the student will spend in the LC.
Out-of School Suspensions:
When students are suspended from school, they may not return to RPA, attend classes, or attend school-related events. Parents of children who are under the age of 16 will always be notified prior to their child being asked to leave the building. RPA staff will mail a letter home detailing the events that led to the child being suspended from school, and a meeting may need to take place with the students and the parent(s) prior to allowing the student to continue his/her education in the building. On the day the student returns, he/she may be required to stay after school to complete missed work.
Long-Term Suspensions (more than 10 days):
In accordance with the Education Reform Acts of 1993, the Principal may initiate exclusion/long-term suspension proceedings against a student who has acted in such a manner that his/her removal from school is necessary to protect the physical safety of others, or in order to prevent substantial interference with the right of others, or in order to pursue an education. A formal hearing will be held with the parent/guardian and /or legal counsel. At the conclusion of the hearing, the student and the parent shall be advised of the student’s right of appeal to the office of the Superintendent of Schools. The result may be exclusion from regular classroom instruction and related school activities for a lengthy period or permanently.
Restorative Approaches
A restorative approach can be used as both a prevention and intervention measure. Restorative processes can help schools build relationships and empower community members to take responsibility for the well- being of others; prevent or deal with conflict before it escalates; address underlying factors that lead youth to engage in inappropriate behavior and build resiliency; increase the pro-social skills of those who have harmed others; and provide wrong doers with the opportunity to be accountable to those they have harmed and enable them to repair the harm to the extent possible.
When used as an intervention measure, taking a restorative approach to discipline changes the fundamental questions that are asked when a behavioral incident occurs. Instead of asking who is to blame and how those engaged in the misbehavior will be punished, a restorative approach asks "What happened?" and "Who was harmed or affected by the behavior?"
No School Announcements
On receipt of a severe weather alert, heavy snowfall, icy streets or when other hazards make streets unsafe, the school session will be canceled. Parents/guardians can listen to radio and television stations (listed below) as well as the Fall River Schools website for school cancellations beginning at 5:30 am. Students will be expected to continue their on-line class work although the building is closed.
Automated Messaging Service:
During the school year, the Fall River School District will be using the Remind Platform System as our school-to-parent communication service. This system allows phone messages to be sent to parents at up to six different phone numbers, as well as emails. Parents may receive messages from the District regarding school closure or cancellations, transportation or any activities taking place at the District level. Our school staff may also send parents information that is specific to our school, such as Open House, field trips or school-based events. Parents are asked to please be sure all phone numbers and email addresses are kept current in the school office.
Emergency Early Dismissal:
The Fall River Public Schools will dismiss or cancel school in the event that an emergency situation exists, which could affect the safety and welfare of our students. At the beginning of each school year, all parents/guardians will be informed of the School Department’s policy as it relates to early dismissal for emergency reasons.
It is the expectation of the Fall River Public Schools that each parent/guardian will make arrangements for their youngsters to get home safely in the event school is dismissed early. The Fall River Public Schools will make every effort possible to provide the general public with at least one-hour notification through the local media prior to the dismissal of students for emergency reasons.
All employees of the Fall River Public Schools will make every reasonable effort to assist in ensuring that youngsters get home safely by notifying parents and making arrangements for transportation for students and / or to be picked up if necessary.
The following television and radio stations will be contacted in the event that school will be dismissed or canceled during an emergency situation.
WCTK (New Bedford) 98.1
WJFD-FM (Portuguese Radio Station)
TV Cable News 2
TV Channel 6
TV Channel 10
TV Channel 12
FRED TV Channel 17
The Fall River Public Schools will also post emergency dismissal information on the district web site:, the FRPS Facebook page and on Twitter.
A Letter from the Superintendent:
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Our goal this year is to ensure that every student attends school regularly.
Showing up for school has a huge impact on a student’s academic success starting in kindergarten and continuing through high school. Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school safely every day and understand why attendance is so important for success in school and in life.
We realize some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances, but we also know that when students miss too much school— regardless of the reason – it can cause them to fall behind academically. Your child is less likely to succeed if he or she is chronically absent—which means missing 18 or more days over the course of an entire school year. Research shows:
Children chronically absent in kindergarten and 1st grade are much less likely to read at grade level by the end of 3rd grade.
By 6th grade, chronic absence is a proven early warning sign for students at risk for dropping out of school.
By 9th grade, good attendance can predict graduation rates even better than 8th grade test scores. Absences can add up quickly. A child is chronically absent if he or she misses just two days every month!!
Clearly Attendance Matters!
We don’t want your child to fall behind in school and get discouraged. Please ensure that your child attends school every day and arrives on time. Here are a few practical tips to help support regular attendance:
• Make sure your children keep a regular bedtime and establish a morning routine.
• Lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before.
• Ensure your children go to school every day unless they are truly sick.
• Avoid scheduling vacations or doctor’s appointments when school is in session.
• Talk to teachers and counselors for advice if your children feel anxious about going to school.
• Develop back-up plans for getting to school if something comes up. Call on a family member, neighbor, or another parent to take your child to school.
Let us know how we can best support you and your children so they can show up for school on time, every day. We want your child to be successful in school! If you have any questions or need more information, please contact your child’s school.
Matthew H. Malone
RPA Absence Policies:
Excused Absence from School:
Per the Fall River School Department, the only acceptable absences are those accompanied by a doctor’s note or court paper for the day absent. Multiple absences will result in a meeting with a parent/guardian. On the day the student returns, the student may be required to set up a time after school to complete missing work. Doctor’s/Court notes should be submitted within two weeks of the day of the absence or they may not be accepted as per the district’s policy.
Unexcused Absence from School:
If a parent/guardian is unaware of their child’s absence, the student will be considered truant. Excessive absences, excused or unexcused, will result in a student/parent meeting and may result in home visits from a school staff member.
Although the Fall River Public school District has an F-4 Attendance Policy for absences, the Alternative School is not obligated to follow such policy.
Early Dismissal:
RPA requests that all parents/guardians call the school to document and explain the reason for an early dismissal. Parents who send a note for dismissal will be contacted by an RPA staff member via phone so that the RPA staff can confirm that the parent actually wrote the note. If a parent dismisses their child by phone, an RPA staff member will ask them to provide a working number so that it can be confirmed that we are talking to the parent/guardian of the child.
Tardiness to School:
Any student who arrives at school after the documented arrival time, without a note from a doctor, court official, etc., will be considered tardy. Excessive tardiness may potentially lead to further disciplinary action.
Tardiness to Class:
Students who arrive late to class without a pass may be assigned a teacher retention by their teacher. Excessive tardiness may result in disciplinary action (office detention or Saturday School).
Virtual Attendance Policy during COVID-19
Cohort B
RPA students in Cohort B (Fully Remote) will be considered “Virtually Present” if they have completed a minimum of 3.5 hours of Edgenuity work on any given school day. This will be based on students enrolled in five courses, with the expectation of each student allocating one hour per class at 70% time on task (5 classes x 60 minutes = 300 minutes @ 70% on-task time = 210minutes =60 = 3.5 hours.)
Students who have smaller course loads will be considered “Virtually Present” if they have completed 42 minutes of Edgenuity per assigned class (derived from the algorithm cited above). This will be monitored through the Edgenuity platform, from the “student active time” progress report function.
This will be monitored through the Edgenuity platform, from the “student active time” progress report function.
It is the expectation of RPA administration that these students will supplement this time spent in Edgenuity courses with academic pursuits such as: completion of independent reading, completion of independent research for assigned projects, and participation in virtual check-ins with RPA staff such as during virtual advisory time.
Cohorts C & D
RPA students in Cohorts C & D (Hybrid) will be considered “Virtually Present” on days when they are expected to work remotely if they have completed 3.5 hours of Edgenuity work on any given school day. This will be based on students enrolled in five courses, with the expectation of each student allocating one hour per class at 70% time on task (5 classes x 60 minutes = 300 minutes @ 70% on-task time = 210 minutes =60 = 3.5 hours).
Students who have smaller course loads will be considered “Virtually Present” if they have completed 42 minutes of Edgenuity per assigned class (derived from the algorithm cited above). This will be monitored through the Edgenuity platform, from the “student active time” progress report function.
It is the expectation of RPA administration that these students will supplement this time spent in Edgenuity courses with additional work accessible in the Google Classrooms set up by their content teachers to support their Edgenuity courses, as well as with academic pursuits such as: completion of independent reading, completion of independent research for assigned projects, and participation in virtual check-ins with RPA staff such as during virtual advisory time.
Cohort A
RPA students in Cohort A (Fully Face to Face except Remote Wednesdays) will be considered “Virtually Present” on days when they are expected to work remotely if they have completed 2.5 hours of Edgenuity work on any given school day (30 minutes per class, for 5 classes). Students who have smaller course loads will be considered “Virtually Present” if they have completed 30 minutes of Edgenuity per assigned class. This will be monitored through the Edgenuity platform, from the “student active time” progress report function.
It is the expectation of RPA administration that these students will supplement this time spent in Edgenuity courses with additional work accessible in the Google Classrooms set up by their content teachers to support their Edgenuity courses, as well as with academic pursuits such as: completion of independent reading, completion of independent research for assigned projects, and participation in virtual check-ins with RPA staff such as during virtual advisory time.
Student Work
Homework will be assigned by all teachers at RPA. Students are expected to complete any and all assigned homework. Homework will be integrated as part of the classwork and the guidelines will be determined by individual teachers. The teachers at RPA will notify parents when students are not doing their homework. Teachers will make a concerted effort to keep students after school in order to have those students complete assignments and will be electronically submitted any overdue work will be addressed with the student and parent. Parents must make the commitment to ensure that students are attending at these scheduled times.
Makeup Work:
Work missed due to an absence shall be made up in a timeframe established by the classroom teacher. Teachers have at least 24 hours to provide students with any makeup work. Pre-established deadlines (papers, projects, homework) must still be completed on-time by the student. It is the responsibility of the student to make up all work missed and electronically submit it because of an absence.
Security Protocols
See Covid memorandum (page 19-20) if warranted.
Student Arrival:
Students will be admitted into the building at 8:50 am. Upon entering the building, students will be required to turn in their cell phones to security, where they will be filed and held until dismissal. In addition to the use of a metal detector, students and their bags will be searched at the security checkpoint before being admitted into the building.
Student Movement Throughout the Building:
Students are required to obtain a building pass to move through the building at times other than class passing time. If a student is found without a pass, the student may be subject to disciplinary action.
Per the Fall River School Committee, all students who enter the Resiliency Preparatory Academy will be searched upon entering the building. Additional searches may take place if there is probable cause that a school rule is being broken. Students who arrive at school wearing multiple layers of clothing will be subject to additional searches and may be asked to remove layers in order to be in compliance with the school dress code. This policy is for the safety of all persons in the building and takes precedence over usual search policies in the district. Any student who denies the school the right to a search of their person and their belongings WILL NOT be allowed to enter the building.
Electronic Device Policy:
There will be no cell phone use allowed in the school. When students are checked in to the building, they will be required to hand in their cell phone. Administration or security will then put each student’s cell phone in their individual folder. Prior to dismissal, staff will distribute all electronic devices back to their owner.
Student Phone Use:
All student phone calls must take place in an administrator’s office. The staff member will place all calls for students. If a parent needs to contact their child, they should NOT call their child’s phone. Please call the main office line at 508-675-8230 to contact your child.
Food and Drink:
Unopened food and beverages should be placed in student lockers and only retrieved during their lunch time. Any open beverages or food will be discarded upon entering the building.
Network/Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Access is a privilege—not a right:
Users are responsible for exhibiting appropriate behavior on school computers just as students are responsible for their behaviors in classrooms and school hallways. Communications on the network are often public in nature. General school rules for behavior and communication apply.
The district has installed a filter on the network to restrict access to the areas of the internet that are illegal or inappropriate for students or the school setting. The chance of accessing inappropriate material is still a possibility and parents and guardians, as well as staff members are responsible for monitoring student internet use.
Email is not private.
Any breach of the FRPS online contract will result in disciplinary action and loss of privilege. Any type of vandalization to school technology (i.e., broken screens, lost keys, cracks or dents due to inappropriate handling) will also result in disciplinary action and parents may be responsible for the cost of reconditioning damaged technology.
Cyberbullying / Harassment:
Acts of cyberbullying are prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. Cyber bullying encompasses any of the already prohibited actions – such as bullying, discrimination, or harassment -- accomplished through electronic means:
Text messaging
Social Media
Examples of cyberbullying include:
Posting slurs or rumors, or other disparaging remarks about a student of staff member on any website or blog.
Sending email or instant messages that are harassing or threatening.
Taking and sending an unauthorized and/or unwanted photograph of a student or staff member.
RPA will discipline students who are deemed to be engaging in any type of cyberbullying, on or off school grounds, if such cyberbullying causes or threatens to cause a disruption or interference with a student’s education or well-being.
Any action by a student or parent deemed inappropriate will be fully investigated by an RPA administrator. Consequences for student actions that violate this policy shall be determined by the administrator and/or may become a police matter. A bullying investigation may be opened in situations where there are multiple instances of cyberbullying/harassment.
FRPS District Policies
Please refer to the Fall River Public Schools District Handbook for the following:
Harassment Policy: Promoting Diversity
Homeless Education Policy & Procedures
Enrollment / School Selection
Drug & Alcohol Policy
Smoking / Tobacco
Bullying Intervention
Standards of Behavior
Education Laws & Regulations
Chapter 71 Section 37H
Chapter 71 Section 37H ½
Chapter 71 Section 37H ¾
Chapter 222 MGL
Chapter 71 Section 370
Special Education Students Discipline
Bill of Students Rights & Responsibilities K - 12