Title 1 Parent Program
Title 1 Parent Program
Maria Ferreira
Parent Program Coordinator
Phone: (508)675 8421 Ext. 55325
email: maferreira@fallriverschools.org
Jessica Rodriguez
Parent Worker
Phone: (508) 675-8421 Ext. 55128
email: jrodriguez@fallriverschools.org
• Provide opportunities for meaningful parent participation in the education of their children.
• Provide schools, teachers and parents with greater decision-making authority and responsibility for student performance.
• Provide parents with information about their rights under No Child Left Behind (NCLB).
Title 1 Schools:
- John J. Doran Community School
- Mary L. Fonseca Elementary School
- William S. Greene Elementary School
- Alfred S. Letourneau Elementary School
- Carlton M. Viveiros Elementary School
- Samuel Watson Elementary School
- Henry Lord Community School
- Mathew J. Kuss Middle School
- Stone Therapeutic Day School
- RLM Resiliency Preparatory Academy
- Edmund P. Talbot Middle School