How to Submit a YouTube Video to be recategorized/unblocked?

Lightspeed Systems Smart Play uses machine-learning AI database engine to accurately categorize YouTube videos. Top education channels like Khan Academy, Discovery, Brightstorm, and CrashCourse have already whitelisted and you can request additional videos to be considered. To submit a YouTube Video or Channel to considered as an

  1. Go to the Dynamic Database Lookup and enter the video's full web address and press the "Search" button. The link should look something like:

  2. The results appear with detailed information on how the website is being categorized by Lightspeed. If the video link is in the education.videos category, it will be accessible by students.

  3. If you disagree with the current category, enter your email, review reason, and press the "Submit" button to send the video link to Lightspeed to be considered for a category change. 
  4. The Lightspeed team will review the request and reply with their determination in an email. It may take up to 24 hours (usually a lot sooner) for the change to take effect.

To have a website or video blocked please submit a support request (click here