
Overall Technology QuestionsFrank Farias

Christie Connell 
Lisa Furtado
Amanda Carlozzi


Henry Lord -Christie Connell 

Morton - Lisa Furtado

Doran -Amanda Carlozzi

Talbot/Kuss -Nicole Medeiros

Nicole Medeiros
Sandy Sullivan
Marques Houtman

MCAS Questions -  Beth Lewis
Google Classroom (click here)

MCAS Status Click Here
Request Supplies click here

Research Error Codes (Click Here)


Top 10 FAQs

  • Will the district provide extra power supplies and/or extension cords?  Yes. If needed.
  • Do students need to use the same computers during all sessions? No
  • Students must complete each session on the same device it started on. *Also it takes approximately 10 minutes for results/answers to be uploaded please keep that in mind before starting a student on another device.
  • What is the address to the district MCAS Google Classroom?
  • How do I request supplies?  Please submit a ticket via Incident IQ
  • Can students use personal devices while at schools? No. Students onsite will need to use an FRPS issued Chromebook. 
  • Will we have enough bandwidth for MCAS testing? Yes! The Chromebooks being used for testing would typically be using more bandwidth intensive digital learning platforms or websites. 
  • I work at a VILS school and was wondering if our devices automatically connect to our cell network or our district wifi? VILS computers by default look for a wifi signal prior to attempting to connect to a cellular/data connection. 

TestNAV not showing up on Chromebook

Getting your Chromebook ready for MCAS!

How to find my Chromebook serial number???