Assistant Superintendent/Chief Academic Officer

Brian Raposo

Superintendent Chief Academic Officer
417 Rock St. 
Fall River, MA 02720  
508-675-8420 x 53801


Ronda Ferreira 

Administrative Assistant Office Of Teaching/Learning 
417 Rock St.
Fall River, MA 02720
508-675-8420 ext. 53811


The Office of Instruction is responsible for a broad range of areas, including: program and curriculum coordination, assessment, instruction, professional development, educational initiatives, research and grants.

Find Curriculum Materials/Maps Here

The Office of Instruction oversees curriculum and instruction for the Fall River Public Schools. The curriculum maps for all content areas, Grades K-12, guide teachers in standards implementation . They help teachers, parents and students understand the anticipated results of instruction and study. The curriculum maps respond to the question: what should students be able to do to demonstrate understanding and knowledge?


The Office of Instruction oversees a number of educational programs for the Fall River Public Schools. 

Stephanie Kennedy- Director of English Language Arts

Sheryl Patterson Director of Mathematics 

Kim Laliberte - Director of Science

Matthew Desmarais - Director of Social Studies

Lisa Zagarella - MLL Director

Joseph Fontinha- Director of Fine Arts

Daniel Fitzgerald - Director of Health and PE

Elizabeth Lewis - Coordinator of  Data, Assessment and Accountability

Derek Farias - Title I/Grants Coordinator


Homeschool Information and Contact
Ronda Ferreira
Administrative Assistant Office Of Teaching/Learning 
417 Rock St.
Fall River, MA 02720
508-675-8420 ext. 53811
Families who wish to home school their children must first complete and submit the “FRPS Home School Application" listed below. This application is for both new and continuing proposals.
Upon receipt of the FRPS Home-School Application Assistant Superintendent Brian Raposo will review the proposed home schooling plan.
The parent/guardian will then be notified as to whether the plan is approved or denied. If the plan is approved, an approval notice will be signed by the Assistant Superintendent and Principal, and sent to the parent/guardian. If the plan is denied, the parent/guardian will be provided with the specific reasons for the denial so that the parent/guardian may revise and resubmit the plan.
If the parent/guardian elects to proceed with implementing an approved Home Education plan, the parent/guardian must notify Assistant Superintendent of this in writing. 

frps home-school application